My name is Starr. I am a High School Graduate. I am just barely 19 years old, I have two sisters and a mom in which my sisters and I live with. Here is a little of my Background. My Father is in Prison for something that he regrets everyday and I miss him more and more each day we are apart. My parents have been divorced for about 9 years and let me tell you, that sucked so bad. After they got divorced, I used to tell myself that it was my fault and I remember myself going through a depression stage. All I wanted to do was cry and tell myself that it was my fault. I cried all the time. I thought it was the worst thing that could ever happen to me and my sisters but my father going to prison for 5 years was the worst and the whole time he's in, Me and my younger sister have to suffer while my mother and older sister get to go visit him. I HATE LIFE! I would always ask myself, "How would the visitations work?" But we sooner found out that, there were no visitations! It was the worst thing that has happened to me so far. I miss my dad so much and words could never explain how much I miss him. My older sister Stephanie and my Mom can go and see my Dad whenever possible. But me and my younger sister Kailene can't because we are minors and I am a victim of a past experience. Don't want to talk about it.
My mom has has such a hard time raising us girls without child support from my Dad. Let alone, my dad was barely able to take care of himself. So if you have both of your parents, STOP COMPLAINING AND DON'T SAY YOU HATE THEM. BE GLAD because my dreams as a little kid, believe it or not was that I could be raised in a house hold with both of my parents and my sisters. As a family. If you have any more questions, Write me a message and will write you back.
Life just keeps getting worse and I don't live in a two parent household like some people. If that's you, you should be thakful that you have the things that you want because if I were to ask my mom, she would tell me no becasue she can't afford to just give her bill money tous for some stupid thing that you don't really need! It would be nice to have, don't get me wrong but you don't need it. I wish I had more things that express who I am but my father can't pay child support, he's in prison. And when he's out, he can hardly take care of himself.
The one thing that really pisses me of is just because people are in a bad mood or depressed, doesn't give them the right to BITCH at me. I am a very sensative person and I get my feelings hurt real easy. I have also been throught alot in my life so I know the meaning of "Depression." Other than that, I am a sweet, loving girl. Once you meet me, im hard to stay away from but it takes time to get to know who I really am. The three things that mean the most to me would have to be My Dad, My Family and Most Importantly, My FRIENDS. I love you all so much, you mean the world to me and don't ever forget.
It's Starr Bitches!