Play sports,ride my bike,build legos,chat ..,hang with my friends, and other things.
You are a DEFINTE Aaron Carter fan!!! You know
almost everything about him!
~*All About Aaron Carter*~
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You are AARON'S PARTY(COME GET IT)!!!! Aaron's
second album. 2000
What AC cd r u?!
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YAY!! You are CERTAINLY an Aaron Carter Fan!
Are you an Aaron Fan??
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new people out there.
I like to listen rap,rock,and some pop music.I Wanna Love You Video - Akon lyrics Akon Music Videos Music Video Codes by VideoCure
Create a Myspace LED Scroller
Music Code provided by Song2Play.Com
Action and comedy.
I like to watch TRL,While you Were Out, Trading Spaces, Extrem Make over Home edition, Pimp my ride,Next, Damage control, Apprentice,Amazing Race, Fear Factor,Treasure Hunters, Exposed, Little People Big World, and alot more.
I mostly read sports book.
What football postion fits you best?
Your an aggresive person. You tend to want the small yards but the feeling of knowing you punished a player trying to stop you.
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Aaron Genius
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