honey ko..
people who are TRUE who can accept me for who i am...Ü
CARRiBEAN BLUE, nOtHiNg cOmPaReS, dAnCiNg w/ sOmEbOdY, tiLL tHeY TaKe mY hEaRt AwAy, BaBy, LeT mE Be ThE OnE, GrOw oLd, foolish heart, heaven, sway, StAy, tell me, best friend, I wiLL Be HeRE, take me out of the dark, water falls
SERENDIPITY (", )... princess diaries, america's sweethearts, how to loose a guy in ten days, sweetest thing, ten things i hate about you, matrix revolutions & reloaded, sweet home alabama, LION KING, beauty & the beast...COYOTE UGLY!!! :-)
Sex and the City, FRIENDS, fear factor, Charmed, american idol, kag damu pa gid...
chicken soup for the soul
GOD, my family and my HoNeY..