My hobbies are training, eating, training, and fighting very strong opponents. But my wife wants me to say, that my hobbies include reading and playing sports. Hmm... But that's just not true. Sports are okay I guess, but why would I want to read when there are strong people out there in the universe looking for a fight. Right...
Well... I'm not too sure about this. I supose I'd love to meet the strongest fighter alive, and challenge them. I'm always ready for a good fight.
Hmm... Well I never really have time to go out and see a movie. I'm usually out training with my sons. Besides that; usually, someone or something powerful appears from out of nowhere and ends up destroying everything anyway. So most of the times; there isn't even a movie to watch, to begin with.
I'm not really much for watching TV. I'd much rather have a good meal, and train with my best friend Krillin.
My wife Chi Chi, would rather that I be more like my son Gohan, and pick up a book once and a while. But I'm not much for reading, honestly. The only book I've ever read was "Tao of Jeet Kune Do" by Bruce Lee. It was okay, I was just surprised, to see that a person with such knowledge in the Martial Arts, not mention anything about the living Ki. No wonder, the majority of Urth's population can't seem to fly.
My heroes... Well that's simple; my greatest hero of all is my late grandpa Gohan. It was him who rescued me and took me in. I don't know where I would be if it wasn't for him. Sadly, he died when I was a child; he was stomped to death by a great monster, one night under the full moon light. One day, I will find that creature, and make it pay for what it did.