Member Since: 12/1/2004
Band Website:
Band Members: Diazo Soul Print, Elvis, and Jimi Hendrix
Influences:everything I listen to influences me.Some of the stuff I fancy:
Squarepusher/Chaos AD, Aphex Twin/AFX/Caustic Window/Polygon Window/GAK, Boards of Canada, Daedelus, The Avalanches, Radiohead, Arovane, Secret Chiefs 3, Leafcutter John, Mu-Ziq, Plaid, Venetian Snares, J.S. Bach, Beethoven, Enya, Sarah Brightman, 000, Future Sound of London, Wagon Christ, Bola/Jello, Prefuse 73, Brothomstates, Autechre, Godspeed! You Black Emperor/all of their side projects, Richard Devine, Remain, Gescom, Cylob, Sigur Ros, Wisp, The Flashbulb, Madlib, MF Doom, Rjd2, Exile, Eight Frozen Modules, Cocteau Twins, Tori Amos, The Beatles, The Refused, The Misfits, Old school Bad Religion, The Smiths, Jimmy Edgar, Gravenhurst, The Orb, Two Lone Swordsmen, Plone, Davros, Emotional Joystick, Delerium, Astrobotina, the doors, the Stray Cats, Takamura, Enduser, Vorpal, Last Step, Datach'i, Global Goon, Jason Forrest/Donna Summer, Nightmares on Wax, KoC, edIT, Machine Drum, The Faint, Ulrich Schnauss, Frog Pocket, Kid 606, Acid Wolf, Alterior, Ratatat, Beck, Mark Swift, Gareth Clarke, Not Breathing, Qntal, Helium Vola, 8 bit weapon, mux mool, healamonster, ACRNYM, Orange Dust, Flexe, Cut Copy, Cut Chemist, flying lotus, Led Zeppelin, more added later
Sounds Like: Whether they find a life there or not, I think Jupiter should be called an enemy planetDj Diazo
Record Label: none