STEAM is a weekly dnb night running since october 2002, plus three UK editions every year since 2004. time is wednesdays (23h30) and the place to be is club Decadance
( ).STEAM combines national highlights with local talents every week, giving stage to the freshest cuts, new breed productions and upcoming talents. Rudy Rocket originated the concept and got Soul MC and Bau involved soon after. Rudy Rocket and Soul MC were weekly residents but decided to give these nights in hands of a younger generation. Nowadays these nights are promoted by V-Gaz, MC Mush and Impact. International guests include Nicky Blackmarket, Friction, Keaton, Fresh, Storm, Alley Cat, Martyn, Pendulum, Chase 'n Status, Total Science, Spectrasoul, Loxy, Alix Perez, Fierce, Teebee, June Miller, Commix, Silent Witness and lots more.
music and promotion : V-Gaz, MC Mush, Impact
design : Arezz, see
STEAM's myspace : .
The flyer and poster designs are of the hand of Arezz
( website ).
for bookings of Impact, V-Gaz and MC Mush please mail to [email protected] or hit us here.