I'm a dreamer. I like abstraction. I like sunshine. I like pop things and stories. music is my favourite thing. I care loads about most things. i'm lazy and angry. I want things to be right. my ex boyfriend once told me I beamed like a two year old when i was happy and cried like one when i was sad. when i was six i fell in love with summertime number 9 by jackson pollock. i'm rubbish at facts. i admire people who aren't. Wouldn't wanna be like them tho.
I like to play records, in public or otherwise...along with my friend and soulmate Johnny Kip I'm I run an crazy, fun, clubnight DON'T MISS THIS in Manchester! We hope to show people wonderful things, encourage creativity, and be somewhere to have a proper boogie on a Friday night! Don't Miss This! LET'S DANCE!
I'm starting another night on a Sunday at Catch in London. It's called Dead Pets Society! The first one was a runaway success! Next party with Hunter and Evercreatures Prince and The Smiths Hour Sunday 29th June!
I DJ for Cover Me Baddly in Shoreditch, London Town. Covers and covers and covers and covers...!
i'm experimenting. i make music with my 101 and random computer shit and tambourines and any noise i can lay my hands on. i bring instuments out clubbing! i like talking about everything and i'm very shy.
i'm in love all the time.
check this out out! it's they came from the stars I saw them's new video and it's incredible.....
i'm obsessive. and then i move on. but i hold a piece of my heart for everything/one i've ever been that way about and i'd do anything really for any of them. it's dead speical knowing how many special folks and notions there are out there.
i'm here to be a kid and stare at the sun. end of. the rest is just dressing.
yay! xx