I’m 18. I once caught a flaming phoenix with my bare hands. In my spare time I build suspension bridges in my back garden. I have many friends including the Queen, Mr T, and the great, huge and fantastic jonny.I’m considered a god in some cultures.I once went to the pub and re organised the furniture so that the flow of chi was greatly improved. I am also a black belt in origami and have entered in full contact competitions. To unwind I take part in a very instructive cause about frilly cushions.
As part of a school project I once built a scale modal of the Berlin wall which I then tore down and melted into some modern art.I am well liked amongst the WI and the liberal democrat party.However I regret never sharing a bath with any sea creature or living creature other than bacteria.
This is Rhia. I met her during my many adventures in the mountins of pinner!we instantly hit it off sharing intrests in history of pandas! we regularly compete in nostral flaring competitions and to relax we both enjoy siving for gold!