I will start this off simply: My name is William. I go by William (full and formal),but also Will and sometimes Bill, but to those who know me best I am Beowill (and sometimes merely Beo).
I think I ought to have this put on my car as a bumper sticker: "I WILL SLAY YER MONSTER." but then again that's probably a really terrible idea.
You see, I can't tell what's a good idea and what isn't any longer. Long hours awake and shorter asleep have done little for my ability to sift the awesome ideas I have from the purely idiotic (and the ideas that fall disorderly between those two extremes).
Sometimes I just reckon I ought to quit writing these things while I'm ahead. The problem then becomes: determining when you're ahead and if you ever really were (and then, there's that temptation to keep steam-rolling on ahead just in case you are about to actually hit your stride [it's rather like gambling...or drinking]).
To(possibly) be continued...