.......................................................h3y watz go0d!!! mY naMe iZ stevEn & iM 16 yEarZ old wItH an amaZing GirlfriEnd namEd BrEanaH... i SkAtE & SnOwBoArd, Iv bEen SkaTing for like AroUnd 3 yEarz or sO and jUst gOt iNto snOwbOardinG 2 sEasoNs agO... I mAy of bEen SkaTin lonGer but i loVe sNowboaRding mOre... FriendZ mEan a lot to mE!!! i have a couPlE tRue frIends tHat i DonT neEd to LisT cuZ yoU kNow whO yOu aRe... ImmA 11th gRader aT LeWis & ClaRk anD im JuSt uR aVerAge TeEn w/ mOrE draMa tHen i ShoW... I love my SistA' Ashlee, sheS onE of mY cloSest friEnds i haVe...i haVe 1 bloOd brothE', tHe rEsT arE JuSt clOse... i liKe to HaVe fuN iN gEnerAl sO if YoU waNna KicK iT jusT asK... You goTta prOblem w/ me, TheN fuCk oFf, i DonT neEd yOu iN mY liFe, i ChoOse FoR yoU tOo Be iN iT so YeaH... My GiRlFrIend mEans aLot to mE, And I mean morE thAn i Can ExPlain... ShE iZ EvEryTinG i neED iN a gIRL & shE wIll FOREVE_&ALWAYS BE MY 'BABA GIRl'!!!It'Z LoVe ♥ aLso, I loVe anImalZ, eSpeciAlly my DogG Ruby...weLl tOo alL mY FrIendZ, i LoVe YeAh!!! and tOo my ♥♥♥GirlFriEnd♥♥♥ and Family I LOVE YOU!!!!♥♥ .............................. Steven
83% Compatible
♥ Steven and Breanah have been romantically-together for awhile now, indicating a degree of compatibility. The religious faith they share may help to form a bond. They both abstain from drinking, so that helps compatibility. A mismatch in athleticism could decrease compatibility. Furthermore, their astrological signs are not in harmony. But their views on children are similar. Overall, Steven and Breanah are quite compatible. There are a few rough spots, but nothing that cannot be overcome. ♥
Discover Your Dating Compatibility ............................................................
..................................."You know when you're in love when you can't fall sleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."****************************************************
ve you ever felt like just sitting down and crying...thats how i feel almost every day... Its true love from how ever far away she is,she can always make you smile.. Never put the name of the one you love in a heart...put it in a circle...hearts can break but circles go on forever.. Love is like a painful drug sometimes... Sometimes you wish to never fall in love again...Until you meet the one person that can make you smile..."
*Near to the door*
*he paused to stand*
*as he took his class ring*
*off her hand*
*all who were watching*
*did not speak* *as a silent tear*
*ran down his cheek*
*and through his mind*
*the memories ran*
*of the moments they walked*
*and ran in the sand hand and hand*
*but now her eyes were so terrible cold*
*for he would never again*
*have her to hold*
*they watched in silence*
*as he bent near*
*and whispered the words..*
*"I LOVE YOU" in her ear*
*he touched her face and started to cry*
*as he put on his ring and wanted to die*
*and just then the wind began to blow*
*as they lowered her casket*
*into the snow....*
*this is what happens*
*to man alive.....*
*when friends let friends....*
*drink and drive.*}