kirk profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

im your friendly neighborhood superhero...and most of all iv got FiLPiNo PRIDE...__________8888888888888888888___________ ___________8_____0000______8____________ ____________8____0___0____8_____________ _____________8___0000____8______________ _____8888888888__0___0__8888888888______ ______8888888888_0___0_8888888888_______ _______8888888888_888_8888888888________ ________8888888888___8888888888_________ _________8888888_______8888888__________ _888888888888888_______888888888888888__ __8______0000__8_______8__0000______8___ ___8____0_______88___88___0___0____8____ ____8____000____8888888___0000____8_____ _____8______0__888888888__0___0__8______ ______8_0000__88888888888_0000__8_______ _______8_____8__8888888__8_____8________ ________8___8____88888____8___8_________ _________8_8______888______8_8__________ __________8________8________8___________ ________________________________________"the future leaders are who ones who care, who want to become part of the solution, who know they can make a difference, and who realize that service to others is a value worth sharing." "LONG LIVE YOUNG SCOUTS" SRB!!!With all my heart i will love Scouts Royale Brotherhood and I am very willing to risk my life if necesary.

My Interests

sports and music.

I'd like to meet:

someone who truly understands how to treat a man this is what i need.


hip-hop, RnB, and some alternative


exit wounds, half past dead, rush hour 1and 2, cradle to the grave, fast and the furious, bad boys 1 and 2.


nba, fastlane, smallville and sports


anything interesting


God(ma bestfriend)