About Me
Heya,Chad here I am a thirty one year old gay male that is currently going back to school for Computer Software Development and Business. I am attending MCTC downtown Minneapolis and then will be transferring to the U of M to the Carlson Business program. I was working as an Architectural Designer and Project Manager but was laid off do to the economy. I do love that industry and I am going to keep it in my career goal path I just want to focus more on the business side of things. Well I guess you want to know a little more about me and what I am looking for.I have currently moved back to my dad and moms after losing everything do to the economy. I am grateful that I still have my health so please do not feel sorry for me we all have a journey in life and I guess this is one of the steps I needed to face. I have been single for a little over seven years and have been on my share of dates in thoughts years. I enjoy doing activities just as much as relaxing and taking time to let my life catch up to me. I am currently going through the "what do I really want to be phase" and realizing that money is not everything also not having to be popular and the social lite of the year. Also to like and to be like by every person I meet. I guess some of my smaller goals that I have in the next few years are to finish my two degrees and find a solid and secured job. I have pretty much let most of the people in my life go for know and I am looking for the quality people that don't use one another and are true friends. I would have to say I like to stay away from the gay scene for that realizing all they care about is clothes and what they can get from one another or what you look like. I don't much care for people who have nothing good to say about one another or need to gossip or spread rumors.Here are some activities and hobbies I like to do. Antique Shopping, Flea Markets, Garage Sales, Gardening/Landscape Design, Remodeling, Walks/Hiking, Cooking, Road Trips, Photography/Arts, Music, Relaxing in front of a fire, Going out to eat, Fitness is becoming one, Reading/Learning, Skydiving/Extreme Sports, Camping, Theater/Plays/Opera/Concerts (Classical to Bett)and much more.Here are a few things I would like to learn to do Snowboard/Ski, Water Ski, Rock Climbing, Horse Back Riding, Roller Blading, Hang Gliding and much more.
Well I hope to hear from you and talk more. I wish I could say everything about me and the journey I am on, but then what would I say on a date. I am looking for friends too. By the way if all you care about is money and popularity and what people have or look like please stay away. Not sure what I am looking for in a guy. I just know if it's right I will know.Talk to you soon,
ChadMyspace Layouts ,
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.. ,The Meaning of Life?
By Chad R. BoothThe meaning of life has been an age old question. Every thing and every one have been trying to figure it out for decades, but the funny things are. Is that when they figure it out they find each and every one of us has a different meaning. That is what life is you living it your way! Every day is the meaning of life when you also get to that question you will be on your death bed that is when it comes to you. Some of us get the answer earlier then that and we do not know why that is. My thought on it is to help others in there life journey. So to simplify the answer and to put in every ones mind I will leave it to this.Question:The meaning of life?Answer:1.) Being true is living life.
2.) Being false is dieing.The more you answer true the longer you will have meaning. The more you answer false the longer you will have no meaning and feel lost.(I wrote this on 11-23-98)