~*~InOcEnT~*~ ~*~HoNeSt~*~ ~*~LoYaL~*~ ~*~FaItHfUl~*~ ~*~TrUsTeD~*~ ~*~SiNcErE~*~~*~SeNsItIvE~*~ ~*~InTeLlEgEnT~*~ ~*~MaStEr-MiNd~*~ ~*~ShArP~*~ ~*~ThOuGhTfUl~*~~*~BrIlLiAnT~*~ ~*~MaRvAlOuS~*~ ~*~GeNiOuS~*~ ~*~AdOrAbLe~*~ ~*~IrReSiStIbLe~*~~*~CoNsIdErAtE~*~ ~*~HuMoRoUs~*~ ~*~TrEmEnDoUs~*~ ~*~CoNgEnIaL~*~ ~*~AmAzInG~*~
"The effect of life on Society is to complicate and confuse our existence by making us forget who we REALLY are by causing us to become obsessed with what we ARE NOT"Do not overlook any good actions,thinking they are of no benefit; even tiny drops of water in the end will fill a large vessel. Do not overlook negative actions merely because they are small; however small a spark may be it can burn down a haystack as big as a mountain." Buddha.. a> /> http://myplay.com/videos/brandi-carlile/the-story?locale=CA ....
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