as far as scales are concerned i prefer epic.
strong in some areas.
such as the painting and the nail head hitting.
weak in others.
bored by mellowness.
filthy rich in genius friends.
good at sharing glory and giving gratitude.
emerald says, "musicians rock the neighborhood," i agree.
but a little foul-mouthed.
really fucking hard working.
BUY ART: the glitter room
Which fucked-up genius composer are you?
Shane MacGowan... unconsciously brilliant. You can intelligently debate any topic from theology, history, literature and philosphy... though only while you're out of your skull on booze.
"Emerald's Process"
video by Jeane Myers
music by Emerald
"I'm not finished....JUST GETTING STARTED!!"
Emerald is also forming a rock band of superheros called The Comparables.