anime, drawing anime, manga, science ficton (anything), writing in the book that i am working on, reading, laughing, having fun, working hard, playing games, cooking/baking.
I have already met the man that I want. He is a kind man. He treats me right! I am happy with him! He's perfect for me, and I him.
mostly the harder stuff, but some classical, and some strange and unusual stuff that is in another language that you can't understand...but not a whole lot of rap.I don't mind all kinds of music, but I just can't put up with much rap.
science fiction, action packed, some mystories, some horror movies, anime, chick flicks...
Science Fiction stuff mostly, I love Farscape, Dr. Who (the remake and the original), Lex, Dead Like ME, Eureka, Quick Silver, Star Trek the next generation, Star Trek Voyager, Star Trek Deep space 9, Enterprise, ANIME (even if its not sci-fi), etc...
Books by A.A.Antanisio, Valerie Leith, Mercedes Lackey, Kristin Catherine Rusch, Ann McCaffery, ((Harry Potter books)), Brian Jaques, etc...
My hero is my Great Grandmother Ella Long, who has passed away.