Call me Holyink =]
I act like a little kid, act serous only 5 percent of the time lol =]
I'M a schoolboy
I dance, i draw, i work, i live,
I believe in Hard Work does pay off. I dream but that does not make me a Dreamer, I am Executioner
If God gives you lemon make enough to quench your thirst I believe in, if life fcks you over you fck life over, till the way you want it.
Sometime i believe the world is not round it is square, because sometime life dosent make sense.
My passion is life, my everything is god,my strength is knowledge, my hand is magic, My freedom is my pen, my soul is dance, my backbone is my parent, My sweat and tears is lines...
My Interests
i love my g.f =[ nobody can take her away from me >=] mine mine mine
OLD SCHOOL, funk, Rnb =]
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The artist is nothing without the gift. But the gift is nothing without work.†And the work is nothing without the artist