we make up the world.
be yourself;
calm, confide, and relax.
this would be chaz
(: he's pretty much amazing.
this would be jess.
she's my bestfriend.
since fourth grade we have pretty much stuck it through. i don't do much without her. we drag eachother places; i practically live with her. she's the most amazing person i know besides my mum.
i love you sissy.
Jess & Chaz
the two most amazing kids.
you always were;
the milk in my fruitloops.
the light,
in my lightbright.
my partner in crime.
(: you made life grand.
you are/were/always will be;
my BESTfriend.
i miss you,
krystal (:
just thinking about you,
makes me want to giggle.
(: i hope you kissed dale.
you shy little cracker.
♥, newbezzfran.
(: hahaha;
i love you bambam.
to the shore and back to the west coast;
to canada, to antarctica,
and the whole way back to,
(: i miss you so fugging much ♥