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I am here for Friends

About Me

let's see. i was born in florida, spent my early childhood in michigan, but most of my life in texas. i also lived in northern california for a spell, but now i'm back in the lone star state. i travel around the country opening up new stores and doing renovations to old ones for a major electronic retail chain. i have a bachelor's degree in anthropology and if all goes well...will be working on a b.s. in marine biology next fall. while i love real passion is the ocean and it's inhabitants. if i ever get enough money to do so, i'd love to make a low budget horror film some day and maybe even own a coffee shop or a small bar on the beach.
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My Interests

the ocean, marine biology, archaeology, traveling, reading, music, bass guitar, foreign languages, the black and white universal monsters, boating, movies, tattoos, shipwrecks, ice hockey, astronomy, geology, vintage airplanes, old books, history, mythology, sharks, dolphins, whales, fish, pressed penny souvenirs, scooby-doo, writing, old photos, bears, monkeys, birds, smiles, laughter, people watching, telling stories, corduroy jackets, postcards, aquariums
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I'd like to meet:

christopher walken, richard adams, any of the guys from pearl jam, pink floyd, or mastodon. keith richards, max cavalera, neil fallon, will ferrell, rob zombie, george lucas, rosario dawson, julie delpy, broken lizard...and if they were still alive : warren zevon, dr. dian fossey, keith moon, john entwistle, layne staley, brian jones, dr. k.c. chang, fyodor dostoevsky, czar nicholas II and his family, emile zola, boudica, the red baron, the buddha, mitch hedberg, and j. cousteau


pearl jam, warren zevon, pink floyd, alice in chains, rolling stones, rob zombie, neil young, weather report, black lab, social d, gojira, clutch, fair to midland, three fish, mother love bone, at the drive in, allison krauss, the who, coheed and cambria, CCR, sinch, mudvayne, tool, charlie parker, wir sind helden, live, samantha 7, the tragically hip, sepultura, dwight yoakam, bedrich smetana, claude debussy, devildriver, wednesday 13, charles mingus, melissa auf der maur, mastodon, rammstein, mypollux, the agonist, soulfy, tiger army, and k's choice. oh yeah, and last but not least the late great mr. johnny cash....... ..


young guns, the three amigos, ice age, finding nemo, walt disney's robin hood, walk the line, club dread, super troopers, beerfest, anchorman (or anything else with will ferrell), creature from the black lagoon, october sky, run lola run, a very long engagement, an american werewolf in london, an american werewolf in paris, once, full metal jacket, halloween, the monster squad, frida, la vie en rose, big fish, whale rider, the abyss, deepstar six, deep blue sea, deep rising, elvira mistress of the dark, 2 days in paris, lock, stock, and 2 smoking barrels, before sunrise, before sunset, enemy at the gates, napolean dynamite, around the bend, nicholas and alexandra, the life aquatic, the sea inside, sleepy hollow, gorillas in the mist, clash of the titans, serendipity, sideways, life as a house, eurotrip, superbad, thank you for smoking, wedding crashers, deuce bigelow, the motorcycle diaries, and last but not wars, star wars, star wars!!!!..


surface, andy richter controls the universe, scrubs, rome, scooby doo, the family guy, national geographic, animal planet, the history channel, my name is earl, californication, it's always sunny in philadelphia, supernatural, humphrey the bear cartoons, and the discovery channel (especially during shark week)


watership down, 20,000 leagues under the sea, any of the star wars novels, meditations by marcus arelius, crime and punishment or anything else by fyodor dostoevsky, the tropic of cancer, germinal, death be not proud, tao te ching, frankenstein, the histories, candide, anything by preston and child, finnegan's wake, the old man and the sea, the sun also rises, and big sur. i also like nonfiction books about sharks, primates, birds, bears, bioevolution, and archaeology.


my mommy...for putting up with my goofy ass for 31 years now...anyone who has ever made me late father, johnny, (1949-2001) and my very dear friend, elizabeth (1978-2006)...i miss the both of very much...

My Blog

i didn’t put that lifesize ceramic moose in your bathroom...

(Ten Things You Want To Say To Ten Different People)1. No officer, I know for a fact that's not my beer can on the side of the road& I'm drinking bottles&2. After 31 years&I finally worked up the cour...
Posted by robert on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 01:06:00 PST

why god...whyyyyyyy???

what the hell man??? the ozone layer is all but gone... because cows fart too much, China won't free Tibet, the f'ing Turks won't owe up to the Armenian genocide, and the Republican holier-than-thou h...
Posted by robert on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 01:14:00 PST

Dear 10 Anonymous People

I saw this posted as one of Miss Hernandez's blogs. She mentioned getting the idea from another friend. A kind of a "pass it along" type of thing I suppose. I must admit, I found the concept rather fa...
Posted by robert on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 05:32:00 PST

"how big is God, Jed?"

I was having dinner with an old friend a few weeks back, and as usual...we began telling stories. Her son was with her, so we ended up on the topic of " kids say the darndest things." This one happens...
Posted by robert on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 12:49:00 PST

a letter from Delilah...+ an apology

this was actually intended to be just a bulletin...but a few people asked me to post it as a blog so their' friends could read it as well. it's pretty much the same letter I made up last week, with th...
Posted by robert on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 06:53:00 PST

The Great Stuffed Marsupial Faux Pas of '98

Q. What do you get when you let four old ladies plan a surprise Hawaiian theme party for an even older lady?A. About 30 stuffed koala bears...I am sure at this, the reader, are thinking......
Posted by robert on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 09:52:00 PST

Dolphin Drive Hunting

The following footage is from an annual dolphin drive hunt off the coast of Japan... in the fishing village of Futo. There are several of these communities that exist...with the village of Taiji in th...
Posted by robert on Sun, 20 May 2007 02:05:00 PST

The Flaming Towel of Doom

While on our way down to the Valley yesterday, my coworkers began telling stories to help pass the very long and very boring 4+ hour trip down there. As usual, I had one as well...A few years back, so...
Posted by robert on Tue, 08 May 2007 04:43:00 PST

Thanks for Not Knocking...(Finding Laughter in Chaos)

Everyone finds therapy in times of grief in different ways, I suppose&be it tears, silence, drugs, shopping, gluttony, writing in a journal, going on a sexual safari, placing oneself in the gracious ...
Posted by robert on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 10:22:00 PST

another 6 facts...

ANOTHER 6 STRANGE FACTSI normally only post blogs when dealing with serious subject matters, and leave being goofy for the bulletins, but I got tagged again&and I'm in a pretty good mood&so what the h...
Posted by robert on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 05:14:00 PST