The beach,music,food,art and peace. MAybe a little anarchy to balance out but not alot.sitting on the pavement, thinking about the government
The Red Hot Chili Peppers. DUHI'd like to meet skinny sweaty men in green suits.People who are great at anarchy and keep it real. word.Anyone who believes that a little peace and love is what keeps this world sane.
Beck Rhcp and john frusciante Strokes The Beatles RADIO HEAD Franz Ferdinand The Postal Service Flamming lips Toy guns Sounds Shins benni benassi blah blah blah.Earthbound (alex paxton was a fox) The John Whites Eden Express Mathematics Ecetera ok ikumi Drew D Seve Vs Evanjust recently: -the moving units -the cold war kids -kings of leon -bright eyesi also like rage agains the machine. Ohh shoot me.
Good ones....But then again i like movies filled with sex,violence and debauchery.
a little
only when i want to.
John FruscianteEmma June Cambell in the state of michigan.RIP Pablo Honey