BLACK TAXI profile picture


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Check it! BLACK TAXI featured on the coundtrack for web series "Merri Me" - watch it at .
Bill Mayo's Ode to His Home State of Maine, "Toddy" is now available at . Help a Mainer out, and pass the link around!
"Pretty Mama" featured on Found Track's Winter '09 Collection alongside gems from Mishka, Starfucker, Gringo Star, Menahan Street Band, The Boxer Rebellion and more! Check it .
Oooh, our drummer's done good - Jason Holmes made the paper!
Check out BLACK TAXI's 'Wanted Man' and 'Pretty Mama' on WOXY's FutureSounds radio show at !
"Brooklyn’s Black Taxi plays neat little pop sounds in stripped-down rockabilly arrangements with surprising trumpet solos." - timeoutny
"a favorite new band... one of the most entertaining i've ever seen. they remind me of a smaller gogol bordello. and for those that know, that is saying something" -
"Pretty Mama is a track that's gotten into my brain and drives me mad eventually, because it's so hooky, and this looks like the kind of hit that could start on the 'cool' side of the fence before swinging over to KROQ... because it can appeal to so many different music heads" -
"Black Taxi’s immediately appealing swagger and biting bravado put them at the top of the CMJ music chain" -,
A New York City based indie rock outfit that blended high octane punk rock with a swagger found in such visual treats as a Tarantino film or Straight to Hell. -Chris True,
Black Taxi: 2008 M.E.A.N.Y. Fest Winners. Thanks to everyone for their support.

My Interests


Member Since: 03/03/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: ezra: vox&stuff // bill: guitar&vox // soponpong: bass // j. holmes: drums&vox
Influences: doors // dick dale // pablo neruda // clash // nuetral milk hotel // miro // leonard cohen // the police // quentin tarantino // tom waits // tv on the radio // henry miller // cake

Sounds Like: More videos on YouTube .

"Love Song For A Ghost" - The John Lennon Bus

"Wanted Man" - Fearless Music TV

BLACK TAXI @ Club NME - The Annex, NYC

Toddy, for all you Mainers:

Listen to the original here .
Record Label: NOPE

My Blog


We took ourselves, and guitars from the shelvesTo the John Lennon Tour Bus on Tuesday.The bus was graced with an image of his faceAnd fine fellows who might have worn toupees. We were invited aboard f...
Posted by on Tue, 19 May 2009 16:39:00 GMT

ma ma ma ma merc

kids- we will be playing the mercury lounge may 2nd and we promise a doozie...bodypaint, giant sychronized dancing panda bears, brand new tracks, and the like. we will be playing with two other bands...
Posted by on Mon, 23 Mar 2009 22:05:00 GMT

outcast to king (we won the M.E.A.N.Y. festival)

losing comes easy to me. i fight it hard, you know i do, but i'm a poor general---my artillery gets caught in my cavalry and before you know it my blunderbuss is jammed and i am out-flanked and find m...
Posted by on Fri, 02 Jan 2009 14:59:00 GMT

new years eve on the common

new years found us perched on the parkman bandstand in the boston common. temperature was sub-zero and that's not even accounting for the 30mph wind gusts, snow, and occasional snowballs that seemed ...
Posted by on Fri, 02 Jan 2009 14:54:00 GMT

...from the bottom of my blood pumper

to all who came out last night, and paid hard earned money to get water/whiskey thrown on them...hard earned money to get smeared with war paint...hard earned money to watch us make noise and help us ...
Posted by on Sun, 23 Nov 2008 10:26:00 GMT

Black Taxi EP Release Party! (buy tickets online)

Attention Attenion everyone! After much anticipation, we're going tolet the cat out of the bag. We're releasing a new EP and we want youto be there!The Party's going to be at Mercury Lounge on Novembe...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Oct 2008 11:27:00 GMT

thanks to you, we are finalists for the M.E.A.N.Y. festival

it's true...out of the hundreds of bands who descend on new york (and from new york) to battle for a chance to be a M.E.A.N.Y. FINALIST, black taxi received the third highest amount of votes and are ...
Posted by on Sat, 25 Oct 2008 07:34:00 GMT

rumors from the interwebs...

ahh,the beauty of the internet - digital file folders stuffed full of wanton pleas for wanted hookups, and non-confirmed facts and figures... did you hear the one about how one of the boys is dating S...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Oct 2008 07:55:00 GMT

might not be the right time....

I might not be the right one, it might not be the right time, but thatere's something about you....   While waiting at the border on our way back from Montreal we simultaneaououaeiously ...
Posted by on Sat, 18 Oct 2008 11:55:00 GMT

Black Taxi at CMJ and on Fearless Music TV

CMJ is an indie music festival that comes around once a year and makes people late for work because they went out and saw their favorite local band on a weeknight and got powerblasted. ...
Posted by on Mon, 13 Oct 2008 19:22:00 GMT