im interested in....boys and love stories...and melodramas hehe
I created my profile with Myspace Layouts+
i like any slow jams , rap. etc xD
THE NOTEBOOK!!!!.. .. width="425" height="350" ..
i watch ALOT of TV.. :]
i read LOVE can say im a LOVE freak eheheh
DUSTIN RENOLDS haha this guy is hella funny =I ahahah he makes me laugh all the time ahah i met him like almost a half year ago ahaha well he IS really cool once you get to know him ahah the first day we met was hella funny ahaha
hmm shes beautiful i knoe :D :D aahaha i met her when i was at school AND shes my cuzzins bestest fwend in the whole talito ahah i dunnno =O ahaha ♥
yea... thats my poker buddy NATHAN NOONAN haha we met around my 6th or 7th grade year at my cuzzins house i used to make fun of him or thats what he says ahahxD... hes kool... hes there for me ..sometimes but still hes a fun guy to be around with =D
hahah these guys make me laugh.. ahah
PHILLIP (top) dam this guy is HELLA funny xD talks about random stuff EVERYDAY!!!hes so cool xD i met him around freshman year haha we had a good time when we first met.. ahah if him and his friends didnt come with us we would of been BORED TO DEATH ahaha phillip would stink alot tho ahah And JAMES (bottom) hes kool he loves taking pictures but THEIR KOOL! =D ahah well i dont really noe what to talk to him about but i met him when i went to my sisters skool to pick her up haha and both of them together it turned out to be a FUNNY picture ahah
GILBERT ... hes soo cool even tho i dont really have alot to say about him its just that i wanted to put him in here because him and i have alot in common.. =D im gonna miss him..
CANENA =D ... shes kool ahah she laughs at my dorkey jokes ...when i have dorkey jokes xD haha imma miss her TOO
MOO AHAHAHHAHA ... the girls and GUY! xD <[b> L.L.G.J ]ahahah
LINH!!!! ( far left ) shes my older sister and shes like a best friend to me... i knoe shes mean but thats what sisters are for ahaha she cares for me and i the same she left to SFSU so i gave her good lucks.. i love her and
LLEWELYN!!! (second to middle) shes funny and LOOK AT THAT ADORABLE FACE!!! well to me i would just want to pinch those cheeks of hers cuz shes sooo cute xD haahah i love being around her she makes me laugh when she makes her cute faces hahah and i love watching the korean movies with her ahaha i LUBBAherrr xD =[
GEORGE!! JUDY DO (far right) haha shes kool ahah we have our times when we all would hang out after skool my sad times ... her sad times ... both of our funny times ahaha it would be soo much fun.. im also gonna miss her when she leaves =_=
DANA!!!!!....i HELLA love this chick here =D shes hella funny and BEAUTIFUL!!!! ahaha i havent met her.....yet ..but maybe soon hahah, she used to go to skool with nate and some other people but now she goes to Andrew hill im supposed to hang out with her and the girls :P ahahah jk hehehe im just kidding i wont forget the other guys ahaha
nickys little sister tehehehehe lauren ...well shes kool,i've seen her a couple of times at her house and shes really kool =Dahahahah well i used to be with her brother _LINDA: (left) shes the best ,cutest, most smartest girl i knoe ahahaha i met her like a year ago in the beginning of freshman year.. shes soo nice to people, and she dont talk s&*% to anyone i love her =D and CINDY: (right) shes the sexyest of sexy xD ahahahaha we met during swimming ahahah it was sooo fun with her ahahaha we would always swim together ahah its great i love her tooo =D
PHOUNGSTUHH!! ANTHONYhah my cool cuzzo...WTH look at thiss camera whore xD! showin off his body and all ahahahahah well of course ive known anthony like my WHOLE life already ahaha b4 we used to hang out like crazy ...UNTILL he started running and stuff ahahah well how do you think he was able to get a body like taht xD well hes cool ahaha no " shit talker" if you may say ahah only if you get him pissed ahaha &hearts
ANDREW ahah this guy...haha hes soo funny and cute haha hes from oakland and yeah..HES A NGUYEN! haha one of them cool stooges :] ahah he makes me laugh alot i miss him but he dont! ahah goody :]jk 3♥