About Me
Hosting"> I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4I am a free spirit that is up for anything positive or anything that will make a difference. I CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT MUSIC and believe it is a universal way of communicating. I have always loved the performing arts and miss singing/dancing very much!!! I love to be creative and experimenting with arts and crafts and I also enjoy interior design. I love life and appreciate everything bwoy!! I TRULY BELIEVE that everything happens for a reason!!!!!!!!!!!! But the key is questioning to find the reason! I am obsessed with travelling, and I mean REAL travelling,learning and living different cultures!!! Lastly I AM A WOMAN ON A MISSION!
After losing friends and family to drug/gun crime, visiting The Gambia in 2003 (the most amazing experience of my life) and my much loved Nan passing, I decided to resign from the bank to start my journey. To fulfil my true purpose, this is working with children and young people. This happens to be one of the best decisions I have ever made and I have never looked back. I am currently a play/youth worker and a teaching assistant at a pupil referal unit and I get total job satisfaction. I love the fact that every day is different, you never know what to expect or what you may learn from them. They can be soooooooo funny, inspiring and can really move you by their experiences. Over the last 4 years I have worked in numerous roles in play centres, estate projects, youth clubs and adventure playgrounds. I have put together different schemes/programmes such as "Everyone has a His/Her'Story programme of inspiration and personal incentives (plz contact me if you can support or want more info). I have been doing all of this while getting qualified. Right now I am on a mission working towards having my own community interest company called IMAP (I aM A Person) and eventually my own adventure playground and youth project also called IMAP (Ida May Adventure Playground). First and for most, I.M.A.P is a child centred unity service that promotes love, peace, knowledge and understanding of self and the world. It will give children/young people the opportunity to realise what their true potential is individually and collectively. One of IMAP's aims is to set up play/ youth projects, workshops and events, where they can learn develop and showcase their talents. These programmes will especially target areas with high play deprivation and anti-social behaviour. It will give them spaces to learn life skills, develop themselves, have a voice, feel valued as well as listened too and be empowered.
will allow children and young people to live a full life to tell their His/Her'Stories to their grand children and others with the message;Life His/Her' Story is what you make it, we all make mistakes, and no one is perfect. Things may happen to you that are out of your control, but remember, everything happens for reason. It's not just how you deal with it but what you learn from it and how you use that knowledge to break unwanted cycles, believe in yourself, stay positive and live life to your fullest. ..
will also cater for adults, offering courses to understand children and young people and the importance of play in child's development.To ensure the success of IMAP, the children and young people will be consulted at all times to gather their ideas, interests and opinions. This will enable us to provide programmes that are tailored to their needs.Currently I am working towards putting an event together to address the territorial wars that are happening in our communities. This event aims to challenge their thinking and open their eyes to see that there is more to life then where we live. A core element of this programme is to bring the youth together through performing arts workshops and a showcase as a finale. So if you are into any of this and want to contribute in any way CONTACT ME!!!!