About Me
BE THE CHANGE YOU WISH TO SEE IN THE WORLD.......................................................
grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference..................................................
japanese, korean, and hungarian... bachelors in nursing from UHM, open-minded, a good friend, a big dork, i try to be considerate at all times but ya know its a wk in progress... i can be very sarcastic so don't think i'm being a bitch because i'm just trying to be funny... i'm not gonna lie, i'm a lover.... of... learning/knowledge (i believe that experience is knowledge and knowledge is power), change, meeting new people, traveling, family, friends, dancing, rollercoasters/theme parks/disneyland, board games, movies, music, FOOD (i'll try anything, within reason of course), and ya gotta love a good laugh!! oh and i'm always up for anything... (meg i know wat ur thinking...lol) and i talk like i'm a big perv but really ... okay yeah i am a perv, so wat... The biggest goal in my life is to be HAPPY!! now one might say that being happy is everyones' goal, but i'd beg to differ. i believe that being happy was once their goal prob, but some have lost their way and have focused themselves on other things. Anywho, that's a whole shietload of shiet that doesn't need to be said... fyi i swear and burp a lot, though i'm trying to curtail those bad habits... sort of... well that basically sums up about 1/100 of me, hope it was helpful...
"Here's to the GUYS that love us, the LOSERS who lost us, and LUCKY bastards that get to meet us!" ...thanks roomie for that one... sorry i stole it :p