family, music, books on tape, music theater... sleep
not sure if there is anyone that I haven't met, that I would still need to meet in order to round out my life... but there's always room for jello...
Audrey Rose, Gypsy Rose Lee, My fair Lady, any thing with Gene Kelly or Fred Astaire, mostly sappy musical love stories
comedies, anything that has a happy ending in a half an hour, I have a short attention span....OH LOOK, A CHICKEN!
don't have alot of time to read, so I've begun to collect books on tape...I have 40 minutes every day of commute to listen, rather than listen to the radio, which is rather sad, my part time fun job is on air at the local rock station.
don't know if hero is an appropriate title in any case, but people like Rosa Park is to me the reason this country is as wonderful as it truly is.