one of the founding members Rockstar Scooter Gang and the only one to venture on to the highway and return with a hungover body sitting behind me on a seat that is really only for one person, the shanty
The Beatles, Rick Rubin, Jesus, The deadbeat lebowski, Titler
BEATLES, Elliott Smith, Fiona Apple, Ben Folds, The Mars Volta, 311, Bob Marley, Miles Davis, and for good form the Beatles again, iron and wine, to many more, oh and i absolutely hate U2
Magnolia, Adaptation, Almost Famous, any Leafy Greens Production ever, The Big Lebowski, Amazon Women on the moon, Help, Yellow submarine, The Wall, enternal sunshine, littering and littering and ...
SCRUBS, arrested development
The Catcher in the Rye, Nine Stories, Raise high the roof beams carpenters, franny and zoey, any DR. Seuss, any Chuck Palahniuk, mere christianity
Jackie Treehorn