Eleanor - the Boss profile picture

Eleanor - the Boss

I can slam revolving doors.

About Me

I hate the quiet places that cause the smallest taste of what will be
I hate the big decisions that cause endless revisions in my mind
Nah, actually I love the quiet places. At night, I could sit in a taxi forever.

My Interests

everything and nothing

I'd like to meet:


The Godfather


0-10 hours per diem


Pietro Ferrero, Anna Karina, Eric Cartman, Leonardo Da Vinci

My Blog

Weihnachten im Schuhkarton

Ihr wollt doch was Gutes tun, oder?Jedenfalls hoffe ich das. Kriegt eure hübschen Hintern hoch und macht bei "Weihnachten im Schuhkarton" mit:http://www.geschenke-der-hoffnung.org/weihnachten-im-sch uh...
Posted by Eleanor - the Boss on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 03:44:00 PST