Forever Yours LytsHi!!! My name is Nicole. I'm married to the love of my life, Kendrick, who is currently in the Army!! HOOAH!! If your Army you know what i'm talkin bout!!! We have been married for 6 years & still going strong
This takes alot of effort on both your parts so don't think for one minute this was or is easy!! The one thing I can say is easy is loving him. I"M IN LOVE PEOPLE!! And it feels so good to love and be loved back!! Well like I said he's in the Army and we are stationed at Ft.Hood,Tx. I am so ready to be out of Ft.hood!!! We've been here since Nov 03'...
....Like I said I'm READY TO GO!!!! My husband did goto Iraq for a year and I was hurting!!! So I'm not looking forward to another deployment!!! But other than that my life is blessed. Especially when we found out that we were havin a baby!!! A baby boy!!!
His name is Ceterian and he's very handsome!! He is 5 yrs old!! He is the reason for me wanting to get up everyday!!! I love waking up and seein his lil smile on his face. It brings me so much joy. He's my baby boy!!! He's just gettin so grown on me!!! He wants to do everything by him self!! He started PRE-K this yr!!He is so excited!! I am too!! I love you Smelly Bug!!! That's just one of his very cute nicknames!!! So now we are trying to make him a lil sis or bro!!! My clock is so ticking right now!!
So just like I said I've been blessed inside and out!! Wouldn't trade my life for anything in the world!!