I love: Hearing my son's laughter ~ Hearing my daughter sing ~ Dancing with my kids to music ~ Enjoying the beauty of this wonderful world:..~Irie Vibrations ~ Meditation in the Morning sun ~ Giving thanks daily through Yoga ~ Seas of smiling faces ~
~ Phriendly festivals ~ the almost boundless posibilities of the human spirit ~ old people and babies(they are truly the wisest souls among us). ~ But most of all, I love my Phamlee: all of yall out there that have supported Myself & the kids all this time- in high tides and low tides, you were by our side....~
" Until you have a child of your own... you will never know the joy, the love beyond feeling that resonates in the heart of a father as he looks upon his child."
"A truly rich man is one whose children run into his arms when his hands are empty. "" Even the wisest mind still has something to learn from our children."
"They must often change, who would be constant in happiness or wisdom." ~
~ " Two birds, inseperable companions, perch on the same precipice. One eats fruit, the other looks on.
One is the Individual Self, feeding on the pleasures & pains of this life. The other is the Universal Self; silently witnessing all."
~ "beer is proof that God loves us & wants us to be happy." -Benjamin Franklin ~
Who'd I'd like to meet?? ...these guys maybe... ..or this guy.. Myself in 10 years; my kids in 20.... those who've come before me, and those I haven't had the pleasure to meet before ....my grandfather's grandfather perhaps.... Joseph 'Sitting Bull'... Gandhi... the Dahli Lama.... my friends, family and myself as we all exist now, only on different planes of existance... and of course, All of the Kynd souls out there with love in their hearts and songs in their heads-our paths shall cross soon enough....~ " If instead of a gem, or even a flower, we should cast the gift of a loving thought into the heart of a friend, that would be giving as the angels give." ~
..(shrug)What can I say? .. i'm pretty easy to please & as such, my musical wander all over the place..kinda like me a show. Pretty much, I'm into anything with a nice groove or that can get me to move like this:
Television has proved that people will look at anything rather than each other.
.. I Like to read...A LOT! Some of my favorite masters of the written word include: Neil Gaimen, Stephen King, J.R.R. Tolkien, Huxley. amongst many, many others. Point is, you'll most likely find my nose in a book than anywhere else.... ~ “The love of learning, the sequestered nooks, And all the sweet serenity of books.â€
My FATHER & MOTHER, first and foremost for teaching me what it means to be human & a good father. Besides them? Well, there's these people: .. .....and finally, my favorite philospher; do-gooder & all around Suprme Protector of the Earth: "Dude" - .. ..Who knows the True secret of Universal Harmony lies with a rug that holds the room together.....