Alernative music, video games (preferrably PS2 and PC games), Collection of Robots, etc.
Anyone who has good attitude, persona (this is the best part, the aura and simplicity of motive...weird?), open minded, and most of all, F&%@$* DOWN TO EARTH MINDED WHO DOES NOT SEE F%&*$ MOTIVE TO A PERSON WHETHER THE PERSON IS RICH, POOR, SOPHISTICATED, BRAGGART, POLITICAN, OR WHATEVER (IN OTHER WORDS, IDIOTS AND ELITISTS!!!! THEY'RE NOT THE ONLY PERSONS IN THE WORLD YOU KNOW???) Whew!!!.Ahem... Sorry!!! Got carried away.
Alternative, grunge, electronica (whatever it meant, duhh!), old style blues (just anything with a good and jazzy tune, blues also), and Pop Rock.
The Last Starfighter, Akira (anime), The Matrix, and everything nice.
Anatomy and Physiology