ultimate myspace survey!
Full Name:: Patrick M Higgins
Nicknames:: Trapdoor Higgins
Birthplace:: CT
DOB:: 01/18/1981
Hair Color:: brown
Eye Color:: blue
Color:: plad, camo
Movie(s):: Dr. Strangelove
Song(s):: Quest for Gold (The Good The Bad & The Ugly)
Band(s):: CCR, Doors, Rush
Day of the year:: St. Patricks Day
Food:: Corned Beef
Sport:: SASS, IDPA, NRA Target
Store:: Hoffman's (Guns for the Good Guys), Newington Gun Exchange
Vacation Spot:: Hawaii
Season:: Summer
Do you prefer...
coke/pepsi:: Dr. Pepper
chocolate/vanilla:: Cherry Garica
dogs/cats:: Like them Both
1percent/2percent milk:: who cares
black/white:: Grey
sing/dance:: Play Instrument
rock/rap:: Fife & Drum
Love stuff...
Are you single?: Nope
If so, do you have someone in mind?: I Have A Girlfriend
Who?: Amber Ferratto
What personality traits do you look for in the opposite sex?: happiness
What's the first thing you notice(physically) about them?: smile
Would you prefer a good or bad boy/girl?: shy good yearning to be a little bad ;)
Have you kissed someone?: yep
Have you ever been in love?: yep
Have you had your heart broken?: yep
Other stuff...
Have you gone skinny-dipping?: nope
Have you ever been out of the country?: yep
Do you believe in god?: do I believe, Shit I know the guy!!!
Do you believe in yourself?: yep
Do you want to get married?: yep
Do you play any sports?: yes and they all involve GUNS
What was the last phone number you dialed?: 1-800-what the F**K
Do you have a best friend?: yep
Have you ever wanted to die?: no, been there done that
Have you seen someone die?: yes myself
Have you gone swimming in an ocean?: yep
Have you ever cried in public?: yep
What is your worst fear?: waking up back in the ICU
How long does it take you to shower?: 8-15 min
What was the last movie you saw in the theater?: Walk The Line
What was the last movie you rented?: King Arthur
Do you have a favorite quote?: Education Can Only Lead to More Intellegent Trouble
Do you have any regrets?: who dosent
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