I am a professional student of LIFE!! I am in constant search of things unique and unusual!! My passions include fire, dance, music, and of course Magick!I am a professional massage therapist.I am extremely eclectic, to say the least, and a bit eccentric. I am a bit hard to handle when you first meet me, people tend to say I am a little extreme and intense. My dream is to travel the world to share my love of fire and dance!! , I am an initiated member of the Ordo Templi Orientis and I have been a Novitiate Priestess for over a year now. I am always learning new things about Magick and myself. I recently moved from Detroit Michigan to Indianapolis Indiana to be with my fiance and to be more active in the OTO. We are in the midst of plans to FINALLY move to Portland Oregon.CURRENT MOON moon phase info.. make