Well I am a former DJ, a graphic designer and a Bartender. I no longer work at Pure Pleasure, which is good since the new management have turned it to shit.
I am guarded, cautiously optimistic (sometimes) and extremely sarcastic. I am the kinda guy that will talk shit about you to your face and nice about you behind your back; unless I hate you, but dont really hate anybody so thats a moot point.
In my spare time I like to club baby seals and scare the elderly.
I tend to say the most fucked up shit at the most inappropriate times. Always remember, Its usually not a good thing to blurt out, I wonder if she likes it in the ass? while at a family gathering.
I dont have much tact and Im not much for subtly. Its been pointed out that I m as subtle as a brick to the small of the back.
I tend to say things are simple, even though there is nothing simple about anything I say or do.
If I say I will never do something, it usually means I will. If I say I always will do something, I usually wont. Now If I say I probably will, that means Ill do it pretty much all the time. If I say I probably wont, that usually means I wont do it at all.
Im complicated.
I tried the Jedi mind trick once, ended up married. I wont be doing that again.
Check out my website www.waxingartistic.com
Catch me on AIM... Xbattlewax, so I can use it for more AIM snippets