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About Me

flowers layout @ HOT MyHotComments
HotFreeLayoutsHi iM RETARDED!!!! iM FLY!!!! I'VE BBEN BLESSED WITH THREE OF THE WORLDS GREATEST TREASURES AND THEIR NAMES ARE JESSICA, PAPAS, & BRI..I LOVE THEM DEARLY AND EVERYDAY i THANK GOD THAT HE ALLOWS ME TO HAVE ANOTHER DAY WITH THEM.....& my mother though we have went through some very rough times recently,, i know that from it i will learn to use it as a learning experience ,,we can't change our past all we can do is change what we do different in our future....we all carry our crosss just like JESUS did for us.i have a new found appreciation & respect for what JESUS sacrificed for us.... AMEN!!!!!!....on that note let me say my girl VAL thanks for standing by me through it all... i admire you for all that you have overcome & i pray that i can achieve all that i want like you have... you h ave been the greatest friend even when i didn't deserve it ...thank you from the bottom of my heart............ WHAt caN I Say thE feW FRenz i HAVe i treaSure. People may walK N & out oF yoUr LIfe but the Ones that R youR FAMily @ Heart Remain THere FOReVa.....i have seen frenz come & go & even come back again. all i know is that life is 2 to short to waste on the ugliness of life & get rapped up in things that are of no importance at all the grand picture of my life when my time is up in this world I don't want those i love & treasure 2 remember me 4 what i wasn't but to have appreciated me for who i was....and thats all i can be is me and to continue to try 2 be the best person i can for me!!!!

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nOT SOME retarded CELEB OR ANY THING PEoplE whO R FUN, reAL & CAN LAUGH WITH ME THRU ALL THE gOOD & BAD..THAT LIFE HAS INSTORE 4 ME ......I DON'T NEED MUCH BUT PEOPLE WHO ARE TRUE AT HEART & CAN LOVE ME UNCONDITIONALLY,,,,NO if ands or buts about will have to realize that i may laugh at everything and make jokes about some of the most serious matters in my life,,,, but i figure that i can't let it get to me so if your given lemons we got to make LEMONADE duhhh!!!!!! ...


Graphics & Layoutsi am a music junkie I LIKE IT ALL!! call me retarded i know but i love music so much that half the time i don't let the song finish because i'm so anxious to get to the next song....duh!!!!
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