twenty four, from the smallest shire in the country, live in vegas, fan of music, fan of words, fan of the mighty wasps. work in the abc, it has been hefty good to me. i am always early for everything. i mostly wear band t-shirts and knackered shoes. i probably care most about the things it would seem i care the least about. i have a tendency to dislike bands and then change my mind and really like them but i will always hate glasvegas. i have a thing for really cheesy indie smindy songs. i play sounds with janet and the boowalks.
i like old buildings (especially churches) in the middle of cities. i like the random setting on cd players, or on any type of player. i like the fact i spend half my time skipping tracks when players are on random. i like buying cd singles. i like collecting lighters with bands names on them. i like making tapes for people. i like hearing parts of peoples conversations when walking past them in the street. i like mint matchmakers and steak mccoys. i like spending time with my nephew and niece. i like festivals, living in squalor makes me smile over the summer! i like when big and carrie twist. i like people telling stories but totally going off the point before they tell you it. i like other people's enthusiasm for the little things. i like the religious leaflets you get handed on the street. i like going to bed when other people are just getting up. i like singing along to rocket man with miss miller when we've had a couple of shandies, in the style of stewie griffin. i like the view from the bridge down by the water. i like the episode of the smoking room when they cant find a lighter.
i dislike ticket touts, they ruin part of my world. i dislike people who don't give up their seat for old people on the bus. i dislike flying and that it has to be done although it only takes two weeks non stop on a train to get to japan so the future looks good! i dislike uneven numbers. i dislike saturdays in the city. i dislike rude customers. i dislike the fact i mainly eat shite. i dislike mayonnaise and the fact it is in everything! i dislike people blowing their nose in my company. i dislike taps you have to hold down in order for water to come out. i dislike people trying to talk to me on the street when i clearly have headphones on. i dislike umbrellas. i dislike breaking rules (i am aware this make me sounds like a loser). i dislike opening presents infront of people. i dislike people going one stop on the underground. i dislike feeling like an outcast because im not an alcoholic, stoner, pill head, coke fiend or all of the above. i dislike stirling albion.
family, friends and music are the three most important things in my life. so eh aye...