Uhhhh, my job, my man, my friends, and this:
The entire dead milkmen and the entire "cast" of gwar.
EEEELLLLLLVVVVVVIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSS!!!!! (if you know me, you've probably seen the tattoo. *my first*) Lou Reed, David Bowie, Legendary Shack Shakers, Slackers, Hank Williams (1 and 3 but not 2), L7, Nirvana, James Brown, Pink Flloyd, Outkast, Primus... well, pretty much, you name it... if it's good, I like it. Oh, yeah... and lets not forget to mention my dad's 70's glam rock band... "Punk" Hollahh!!! props to my pops.
Anything Elvis, anything 80's (goonies, oh, hell yeah!! ... or should I say hell yaaaarrrrr! it IS a pirate movie), anything Johnny Depp, or Christian Slater, Rocky Horror, Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the Thirteenth, and House of A Thousand Corpses.
Opiate for the masses my ass. Try opiate for Hillary. I watch tons of that shit.
I am currently and have been for the past several years, under the hypnotic effect of the Harry Potter Obsession. But other than that I'm now reading a collection of feminist writing called "Dear Sisters" that I like a whole lot. Also, "The Theft of the Spirit" and the Dalai Lama's "Art of Happiness."
Seriously, I know this sounds really trite and sachrine disgusting sweet, but truly... my mom.