Er... My name is Matt... I am fat? Ahhhh!
Real ways to get ahold of me:
X-Box Live
- MathiasIVAOL Instant Messenger
- MathiasLV (someone stole my damn name...)I can't think of any others but if you run into someone named MathiasIV in the gaming world well its most likely me... or whoever it is that worships me so much they have to steal a crap name like MathiasIV...
Personality Disorder Test
Brought to you by,
Disorder Rating
Paranoid : Low
Schizoid : Low
Schizotypal : Moderate
Antisocial : High
Borderline : Low
Histrionic : High
Narcissistic : High
Avoidant : Low
Dependent : Low
Obsessive-Compulsive : Low
-- Personality Disorder Test --
-- Personality Disorder Information --
So this means im an Antisocial Histrionic Narcissist with Schizotypal tendancies... Scared yet?