I'm into Jesus. I am interested in you. I'm interested in my amazing lady Elizabeth and my family. I am interesed in creating music. other essentials: ultimate frisbee, college football, Point Loma, conversations, growth(others' and self), Gold's Gym, and of course Trinity.
The Nerve Agents reunion show. You. Peter.
Jimmy Eat World. Days Away. Led Zeppelin. As Tall as Lions. Life in Your Way. The Nerve Agents. Rage Against the Machine. Wax on Radio. Barcelona. Letter Kills. Minus the Bear. Strike Anywhere. Mute Math. I like music that makes me feel like I am on drugs. I also still like a lot of punk rock that I refuse to give up on.
Band of Brothers. Saving Private Ryan. Braveheart. Bourne. The Big Lebowski. Back to the Futures. Orange County.
seinfeld makes me dream, laugh, love, and mostly yearn. Fraiser,
The Holy Bible. The Purpose Driven Life. Catcher in the Rye. The Spirit of Early Christian Thought (ya school book!)
Jesus Christ. Mom/Dad. Paul Roundy, Jeff Warren, Adam Reyes.