Sean profile picture


Myspace ate my homework...

About Me

Add my Virb and Last.FM
Some things about Sean Gleason…Internet Addict
Booking Agent and Manager*edit* at Rocksteady
He MIGHT book your band
Started DFW Local Band News (Dead now)
Works at a Vet clinic
Needz the internets
Would be lost without Google
Would be lost without Wikipedia
Likes FPS but would much rather MMO it up
Showers daily
Likes winter
Wishes it snowed more in Texas
Lack of snow aside… likes Texas
Christian but refuses to push it on people
A pretty happy person
Likes most people!
But probably not you…
Panics if internet is down for more then 20 min…Seriously
No I’m serious…
HAS a cell phone finally *EDIT*
Wants one (buy him one?)
Twitter iz gewd
Checks daily
Has 2 dogs
Has 2 cats
Has 2 bearded dragons
Cannot stand when people try to argue politics but have not done any research…
Hates CNN
Scared about 2008 presidential race…
Tired of the bullshit
Wants to talk to you
His AIM is LBN Sean
Will add more later…

For the Horde!

LBN Sean

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

haha yea... this is my woman ;)

and ya she is fighting for you


Current fav bands Portugal. The Man
The Natalie Fight
Kay Kay and his Weathered Underground
Gatsbys American Dream
Trophy Scars
At All Cost
Emily Haines
Gym Class Heroes
The Who
The Kooks

Top 10 played bands




SPC Reid

I love this kid more then any of you can know ;)