Kate profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

an actor, activist, Pagan living my life and manifesting the world I want. It's a hell of a lot of fun. I'm a bit of a gypsy; traveling and creating in NYC, NJ, Chicago, Seattle, California and currently, Portland.I listen to the Universe and my heart.

My Interests

Settling in to myself and nesting with my love. Awaiting new adventures. :) I love to travel, read, lie on the earth and look at the stars, swim in the ocean...I love making masks and performing in them, I love devising new work, I love interpreting text, making wigs, designing make-up and hair, sitting in coffee shops discussing how the arts can prevent fascism, the power of creation to envision a sustainable world... and so much more.

I'd like to meet:

People that are true to themselves and enjoying their lives.Creators who enjoy collaboration.Artists, visionaries, radicals working to manifest their dreams creatively.


Tori Amos, U2, Ani DiFranco, Dar Williams, Morphine, Sponge, Indigo Girls, VNV Nation... those are who I think of at the moment... there's almost no music that I can't appreciate.


There are sooo many! Stupid White Men by Michael Moore, Mists of Avalon by Mary Zimmerman, Ishmael by Daniel Quinn, Story of B by Daniel Quinn, The Color of Water by James McBride , Witchcrafting by Phyllis Currot, I just finished Wicked which was wicked. Political, intrigueing...


On my mother's side we are related Edwin Booth, according to some, America's first premiere Shakespearean actor for whom the Booth Theatre in NYC is named after.

My Blog

Messiah Complex trailer

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgO4IevoqtE from the indie I'm in... And let's see if this works this time......
Posted by Kate on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 01:52:00 PST

An Interview with me!

I am currently in a wonderful run of Jacob Marley's Christmas Carol over at Coho Theatre (NW Raleigh between 22nd and 23rd). Stephen Blair was kind enough to interview me on the process, and on p...
Posted by Kate on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 02:06:00 PST

Day 8, connections

What is it to be connected?To follow a sensation, allow it to move and flow, to change, to be affected, to stay with the exploration where ever it goes.Connection...  there is always an other.&nb...
Posted by Kate on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 01:37:00 PST

morning, day 7

Yesterday was a GREAT day. Following sensations... in and out of the rasa's... it's such an active exploration! Even in stillness, there's a sensation to follow, which unites with the body and unite...
Posted by Kate on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 08:47:00 PST

the beginning of day 3

Grrr... I don't know if it's the coffee I had this morning, having less sleep due to reading Harry Potter, or whatever else, but today I'm much more in my head.  Not of the, "am I doing this righ...
Posted by Kate on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 11:09:00 PST

Rasaboxes Day One

Today began the first day of the Rasaboxes intensive.  It's wonderful being back in Blue Lake, back at Dell'Arte, with more familiar faces than I expected from my former classmates.Today was gent...
Posted by Kate on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 06:44:00 PST

Drammy Awards

Last night were the Drammy Awards, Portland OR's theatre awards. I am proud to say that two shows I worked on (prop/hair designer and stitcher/mask-maker respectively)  received Drammy's: Rodolfo...
Posted by Kate on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 02:10:00 PST

Grant writing success!

Thanks to some wonderful help from 2 dear friends who are grantwriters, I landed my first grant. Therefore, I will be studying RASAboxes intensively this summer with Paula Murray Cole thanks to the Re...
Posted by Kate on Mon, 28 May 2007 10:59:00 PST

artistic blogging

Currently on the pdxbackstage yahoogroup there has been a discussion of performers using myspace as a networking tool. This makes quite a bit of sense to me, so here it goes! Private Lives closes toda...
Posted by Kate on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 12:14:00 PST

Devising with Commedia Workshop

When I close Camino Real with theater simple in Seattle I'll be flying to Chicago, catching up with dear friends and facilitating these workshops: Devising with Commedia! Explore ensemble creation w...
Posted by Kate on Wed, 12 Oct 2005 10:19:00 PST