LuciiOuz[ceRTifieD dYmeZ:maiiN hEaD] profile picture

LuciiOuz[ceRTifieD dYmeZ:maiiN hEaD]

I am here for Friends

About Me

i aM tHe One YoU deNieD.pUsHed me Off eVeRyTiMe i tRieD bUt i'M aLRiGhT.i'M aBLe tO sWaLLoW mY pRiDe aNd pUt aLL tHe BuLLsHiT tO tHe SiDe.iF yOu'Re ReaDy tO RiDe.i'M dOwN fOr a OnE niGht sTaNd i'LL aCcEpT yOu aNyWaY tHaT i CaN cUs i Ain'T yOuR giRL.i'LL tRy fOr wHaTeveR iT's WoRtH.JuSt ReMeMbeR wHo pLayeD wHO fiRsT.OMJ! LuCiOuZ LeTtY CeRtiFieD dYmeZ maiiN heAd SingLe&&ReAdY tO miNgLe 16.wOoT wOoT ♥tO gO oUt aNd hAve FUN!duh? ♥meeTiNg neW PeOpLe[sPecIaLLy boYs] ♥My GiRLs AnDRea,YveTtE,MaRtHa,EsMeRaLda,AsHLey,LaLa,Anna,WeNdY,aLeX. ♥BoYs=LiFe...NOT YoU caN't buLLsHiT a BuLLshItteR.duh? yOu'Re caLLiNg me && mY giRLs wHoReS...we aLL kNow yOu'Re aLL maD cUs we TooK yOuR bOyS. [F.Y.L]i'm HaPpY wItH miNe. SuCk mE uP && dO iT gOoD LEA WoRLd dOnT geT iT tWiSteD.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

sHaKe-N-baKe ii LoVe mY beStiie