i love shoppiing...., chicks that like chicks ii find everyone interestiing
Who I'd like to meet: Fashionistas, Fashion Enthusiasts, Aspiring Fashion Industry Professionals, Creative Directors, Fashion school students, Visionaries, Models, Fashion Editors, Merchandisers, Label Whores, Buyers, Artists, Designers, Supermodels, Fashion Show Producers, Sales Associates, Fashion Photographers, Hookers, Wardrobe Stylists, Drag Queens, Personal Stylists, Rappers, Actors, Dressers, Make-up Artists, Hair Stylists, DJ's, Singers, Runway Instructors, Bookers, Music Producers, Shoppers, Fashion writers, Seamstresses, Tailors, Rich people , Poor
people, and anyone in between with an interest in fashion..period.
dear mizfashii0niista i admiire thee
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tHE L Word!!! OPRAH,fashiion shows of all kind and i must admiit iam a sucker for nick at nite reruns specially those of ROSSEAN
RuByFruIt jungl3...and every fashiion magazine out there