humans, human insides, biochemistry, organic chemistry, carbon hydrogen bonds, the buckminsterfullerene molecule and its flawless design, mind altering substances, quantum physics, ppl that i can talk about quantum physics with, biologically engineered viruses, coffee, finding mankind's ultimate equilibrium in corrilation with the universe, yoga, ppl with exceptionally high intelligence, creative writting, capturing the precise moments of unusual happenings in life and being able to recognize what they are, vegan-ism, international politics, singing, basic integrity, modern dance and hip hop, ballet, early 20th century bohemian art and music, buddhism, hinduism, warm weather, the feeling of soft grass under bare feet, edger allen poe's ability to temporarily obscond with your mind, food in massive quantities, camel lights, thom yorke, when guys can balance chopsticks on their tongue's, intellectual men, artists with talent, making hat's, hats in general, cold sweet potato, making yarn out of dryer lint, narcoleptics, zombies, every last play written by william shakespeare, reading books written by dead ppl, watching movies with dead ppl acting in them, the 1930's silver screen, gory horror flicks, movies in general, babies, small children (their innocense is magical) antic jewelry, antic mirrors, the smell of pinesol, conversing with ppl who have lived through a different century, painting with my toes, the taste of grape baby tylenol, talking shit about people in front of their face in a language they know nothing about, auqua di (that is undoubtbly the most intoxicating smell on a man) beaches with tropical water, puppies, schizophrenics, activists (ppl with that much conviction about ANYTHING are interesting) foreign languages, ancient or dead languages (specifically Aramaic) the UN, international affairs, palmistry, spacing out wondering about alternate demensions and the limitless cosmos, live shows (that level of energy is magnetically edicting) experimenting with life, tarot cards, the color orange and stickin it to the man.
Hunter s. Thompson, Marylin Monroe, The Dhali Lama, Budha, Ernest hemmingway, Edger Allen Poe, Sacrotes, Joan of arc, Emma Lasarus, steven speilberg, Wonder Woman, Rosa Parks, Jim Hensen, Edger Casey, all four of the ninja turtles, Nostradamus, Salvador Dali
i live and breath music. i cant just simply catogorize it into one ganra or claim favoritism to any spacific artist. good music is art. the untampered essence of it's creators mind. that of which is true beauty, and in its individuality perfection
too many to list... nobody looks at these things anyway but one of my all time fovorites is requiem for a dream
the saprano's, ER, carnival, south park, drawn together, the boondocks and seseme street
Fear and loathing in las vagas, fear and loathing in america, the great shark hunt, screw jack, (i love hunter s. thompson) the scarlet letter, the vampire cronicles, tarzan, pride and prejudice, emma, sense and sensibility, hello nostradamus, the beach, kiss the girls, go ask alice, the davinci code, the bone collector, oliver twist, monkeys and dragons, biology of belief, memoirs of a geisha, catch 22, the diary of anne frank, mixed, frankenstien, upon a thin red line, the black dalia, in cold blood