ABouT me hmmmm leTs uh SEE. i Don't REally LIke 2 Say MUch on here But when peOPle talk to ME im usUALLy know as GOOF Ball lol. i DOnT like to see anyoNE unhappy SO i try TO make them feel better if I eveR see SomeOne crying or ANgry that is if theY ARe not psycHOtic and try to stab all HAnnibal LectOR style mmmmuahahahaha lol nevermind that I trY to keep the Evil SPirits awAy fROm me but theY wILL not just lEave me aLone!!! wHat kind of GUY do I like hmmmmmm i lIke Yvan, so that is there To show u thaT looks DoNt matter HAHAHAHAHA im Just playing sweetie TRUST ME WHEN I SAY HIS ASSS IS HUMUNGOUS lol lol lol. n e WAYZ LOL i lOve to meet new people and DO things out of the Ordinary maybe that EXplains why I love ADAM sANdler and Saturday night Live even though that Show iS startING TO sUCk majOR bOOH Tay. fOR fun oh mY GOD what do I like to do for fUN WINK WINK LOL u pervurt I WONDER what you were thinking....Actually I love to throw bATtery Acid fILLed water BAlloons at Homeless people I AM JUST PLAYING OF coURSE i WOULdn't do that I just throw regular water balloons at them hahahaha playing playing I kidd cuz I love~~~~triumph. I cURREntly attend Ecole Superieure de Danse Cannes Rosella Hightower ~~~~dANCE SCHOOL BUT i JuST LOVE beING HERE I LOVE LIFE AND I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT IT evENTHough there ARE soME things I Wish would CHange AbouT THE WOrld but WE all HAve 2 mAKe the best of it and try OUR best to make it bETTER, right????