Walk Away Renee profile picture

Walk Away Renee

I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
I'm not a model/actress, an actress/singer, actress/dancer or any of the many jobs in Los Angeles that include a slash or require headshots. I am not a 'hottie'. I weigh about 20 pounds more than I should. I am a natural brunette and damned smug about it. I love LA. I believe that everyone has to have a favorite episode of The Simpsons. I live and breathe music. (If I could eat, drink and sleep music, I could lose those 20 pounds.) I drink. With British men (read- lots, in quanitity and frequency.) I own a record player, and use it. I think there's a million fine-looking women in the world, dude, but they don't all bring you lasagna at work. I am opinionated, sarcastic, brassy, and sometimes a straight-up pain in the ass. I think everyone needs to own at least one Beatles album. I think John was the coolest Beatle and Mike was the coolest Monkee. I donated money to the Howard Dean campaign. I think love truly is the greatest thing in the world- except for a nice MLT- mutton, lettuce, and tomato sandwich (where the mutton is nice and lean and the tomatoes are ripe. They're so perky. I love that). I am was an intern for a major record label, and hope to be in A&R one day. I swear quite frequently. I think we go through it because most of us need the eggs.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

   Besides these guys? (edit- I met Brian Wilson!) Anyone with cool old stories about the Hollywood scene 'back in the day', anyone m'self who feels they were born in the wrong decade, and anyone who knows The 1910 Fruitgum Company doesn't make Juicy Fruit. And Paul McCartney. I really can't stress that enough.

My Blog

Tramp Night pictures

So here are picture links from the last Tramp Night. I'm putting them in as links because doing thumbnails and all that rot would be a major drag on my bandwidth. But I'll label them properl...
Posted by on Fri, 03 Mar 2006 04:34:00 GMT

Finals are so...final.

Make it stop. Make the papers and the classes and the studying stop. Just not too soon...I still have to turn them all in. I swear to fuck I'm getting a massage after my last final.
Posted by on Tue, 06 Dec 2005 12:19:00 GMT

Stop the year, I wanna get off!

I was just writing in my LiveJournal about how ick this year has been. As I see it, of the 40 or so standout events this year so far, 75% were varying degrees of negative. Ranging from "kinda crappy" ...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Sep 2005 14:02:00 GMT

"When I think back on all the crap I learned in high school..."

"...It's a wonder I can think at all." Thank you, Paul Simon. Somehow I ended up going through MySpace today, blazing through profiles of people I knew in High School. Some of them are more or less th...
Posted by on Sun, 25 Sep 2005 12:13:00 GMT


I really need to get my shit together. I'm going to take some classes at SMC this summer so I can finish my sophomore year before I turn 24. 24 is coming a little too quickly for my taste, and that me...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Jun 2005 20:30:00 GMT

Monkees, Record and Geekdom (Oh my!)

My friend Marc and I have been watching obscene amounts of "The Monkees" lately. And it all started so innocuously. I'm wondering if this is my bubblegum music phase crowning, or if it's me sinking de...
Posted by on Thu, 28 Apr 2005 13:27:00 GMT

Sad sad sad...

I went to Amoeba today to buy The Redwalls' album, and while looking in the clearance bin, I found WAAAY to many people I know. Greg Johnson's 'Sunny Day' EP was $1, Hawkeye's 'Red's Cafe' was $2.99. ...
Posted by on Mon, 18 Apr 2005 22:01:00 GMT