Mii biiRthDay 2 morrow 4/20!19 N i BetchU... profile picture

Mii biiRthDay 2 morrow 4/20!19 N i BetchU...

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

%DverYboDy Know I liiKe 2 KiiCk IT so yes My BiRtHday Iz Thiiz FriDay aPriiL The 20Th aNd I wiLL Be TriPPiiN (lol)i Liike 2 Bowl sO at 9p.m. Its BowliiN aT tha GoLd coAsT!aftEr The GoLd CoasT iT wiLL Be a Kiick bacK aT club FrozEn fOr me aT 11:30 p.m..It's a cLub sO Ladiies In {{FREE!}}BriiNg yOu i.d. musT be 18 and dUdes aRe $10 at Tha DooR!where Yo Polo's U Know how to dress!(SECURITY INFORCED)So afTer BowliiN we caN aLL GeT in OuR ghEttO TraiiL and FoLLLow EacHoTher Down There oR HiiT Me Up FoR the diRectiiOns (loVe yaLL)!PeacE.. %D%A%D%AiTs In HeNDersOn so soUth I-15 FreewaY Get Of On RussEll Make a RiGhT Go Down To U Get tO MoUnt Vista MaKe a LefT Then Go dowN To suNsEt makE a RiiGht The clUb Iz On YoUr Left Had siide BehiiNd Del TacO! Pull Up Car Check Then YoUr On YoUr waY!The address is 4427 east sunset road for My map quest people. For More Info you can Go To clubfrozen75.com or myspace.com/frozen75 or you caN GiiVe Me a Call or iLL Give yOu My NuMber see U theN LoVe yaLL..%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A
MyHotComments %D%A%D%AThiiCK THiicK ThanG HiiPs LooKiiN Riite!Y3@ w@tz sUp Th!z B Yo GuH Mzz. Cr3 Cr3 Of Th@ {{702}} ThUg Pr!nC3Sz @nD i B3TcHU..Haaa Yes I waS BoRn anD RaiiSeD iN ThiiZ CiiTy ThEy caLL VeGas!YeP (lol) I GraduTEd In 06 FrOm chEyEnne HiGhskOOl Yea Tha Class Of 06 RocKs (lol) Mii b Day iz ApRiL 20Th i am a TauRus aNd Im stuBBoRn ass HeLL. I lOve People anD I lOve haviiN FuN whEn i say I loVe PeoPle i really Do cOlor aiiNt an izzuE Over Here LoNg as U cool aS Hell.Mii favOriTe CoLor iz red {{{{BlUuuuDDDDD!!}}}} (lol) Mii favOrIte Food iz DiGorNo's PeppOrOnii PizzA Mii FavOrIte chiPs are HoT friieS Or HoT cHeetOs My FavOrIte caNdY iz a snickers anD I LoVE LiP GlOss, and Mii CeLL PHoNE!AnD Mii favOriTiSt PeRsOn In Tha woRlD Iz mY Sister SadE BiiTCH!U aint worth ma time and cant take ma place, so if u got sumthin 2 say, bytch! say it 2 ma face. I play mah game like monopoly I dare ANY bytch to land on my property. Bytchy? Yeah...i might be slightly... cuz i dont know how to say FUCK U politely. Bytch did i just hear u talkin? Yeah, dats right...keep fuckin walkin. 4 all dem hoez tryin 2 take ma spot, I got 3 words 4 u... I THINK NOT When bytches bring shyt, im far from da calmest... I aint gon slap u, Ima fuck u up *dats a promise* Callin me a bytch? I know...i know.. but in tha wordz of Ludacris, UZ A HOE Ima true gangsta Pr!cEss holdin shyt down. Think you can take ma crown and wear it proud? Juss cuz i flirt dont mean ima hoe. unlike u i kno how 2 say no 2 all da girlz starin in ma direction: damn right BITCH, envy dis perfection! Damn right Im fine, sexy, I got hella money Me, jealous of u? haha, ur funny! 2 all da hataz: do what u do. I aint got no mo time 2 waste on u I LoVe HatAz!AMzz. Cr3 Cr3 Yea YEa WatZ GooD?..ThiiZ Be CrE aNd Imm@ NeeD FoR TheeZ HoEz 2 GeT Off Mii ToEs OuChhhhhh!!!!..BiiTch U EiThEr wiiT mE oR agaiiNst Me makE Up Yo MiiND iTz ChooSen SeaSoN!!"07" Iz BiiTcH seaSoN I woNt fUkk WiiT Cha%D%A%D%A
MyHotComments %D%A%D%A
%D%AYes Mii FavOritist person In The whOle woRld Mii sisTer Sade B.k.a. Mzz. Daii Daii a.k.a. seXii cHoColate all KiNd Of shiiT (lol) Yes Thiiz Mii Ride-or-die ChiiCk Fukk YaLL OtHa Biitches cuz whEn Its coMes Down 2 The get Down U BiitcHes iz NoT ReadY! N I BEtChU......ItZ Tha 07 and meeh and miih Sistah BoUt To GeT Up OuTTa here quiCKer tHen U ThiiNk Its NoThiiN 2 Us we LiVe tHa Life as a Her FavOriiTE QuOtE!{{{a CeleBriiTY}}}!! anD Thats wat Its LiKe..sometimes i look back on thiings and realize i wouldnt be the person i am today u can take that as a good thiing or a bad thand i take it as good. she has been there for me wen i say every up and down i mean every up and down and sometimes i thank god for placin her in my liife she like the sister i always wished and hoped for and now she here. yea we have our ups and downs i thiink cant tell cuz i dont believe we had em(lol)...but we got so much shiit we can fall back on and relate to..and its kinda strange how we got thiz sistah pyscho shiit goiin on and how we do the same thang and the shits outrageous u know who ur true friend Iz weN they Can finish Ur sentence For You, taKe a nUmber 2 in yo bathrooM (lol), go eat in tHa KitcheN wiToUt askiiN, shariin clothes, pushin the whiips and just to look at eachotha and know we talkiin bout the same thanG.Now we Bout 2 Go into The yeaR "07" dOin BiGGa aNd Betta ThanGs aNd Now We BoUt tO stUnT On SoMe Hoes aiiNt lIke we havEnt bUt Juss Mo oFten thiiz TiiMe aRoUnd Sa'dE' E. U Know wat Thanx FoR beiNg Tha Good and Best daMn sistA U are(whiite guh moMent) Ur the GreatEst. Thanx For Being there 2 pick up where i fukked up at and made It betta Thanx for haviiN my bacK whEn Theez Otha Hoez said They diiD and reallY diidnt dumB biiTches ThanX For not fuCkiiN ON anY my dudEs ThanX for KeepIn iT real all The tiMe ThanX foR juS beIng yo selF and Not suMthiiN u NoT!If I coUld seNd U a MilliOn thanxz i woUld! alwayZ Know u GoT that Special Place in My heart whEre anOtha BiiTcH caNt take, and imma Need TheY yall Fake biiTches 2 Fall Bacc!!I lOve U BiiG siissY soooooooooooooooooooo Much!!!!!! LovE Ya 2 deaTh!..

My Blog

Whii EverYbOdY DrOppiiN? whY Mii PeePz? DaMn........

Wood In Mutha FuckiiN Peace 2 Mii CuzziiN P teEz DaMn I just Diid Thiz Blog Now i Had 2 UPdate It Becuz Mii Cuzziin GoNe damN Mi NiGGa Imma Mizz U we Been CalliiN eacHotha CuzziiNs siiNce 6tH grade an...
Posted by on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 17:11:00 GMT

Do U Qu@lifY 2 B3 My Frii3Nd?....FriiEnDs @Lw@Yz w@NN@ T@k3 @Nd N3V@ GiiV3............

I ThiiNk Its TiMe 2 Get Riid Of a Few friiEnds StarTiiN ToDay Man I RefUse 2 LeT My so CallEd friiEnds Let Me dowN and Im tiiRed Of Thiis sHe saY He saY shiiT It GettiiN oUt Of CoNtrol....Most FemaLes...
Posted by on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 14:37:00 GMT

CoMe anD get Me Yo NuMba 1 Fan If u canT do It No OnE caN..........

Yes I go By That Name Of Mzz. Cre Cre anD yes I gOt hella Myspace BiTches HatIn me! But Guess Wat I doNt giVe a Fukk Cuz aInt NaM bItch JumP uP anD bukk BiTch FuCk U iM so CooL oN yOu MattEr FaCT...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 15:42:00 GMT