aite fuckin myspace... guess i'm suppose to write something about myself here. i go by many names. online i got by Preventer Wind n that's all u need to if u dont know me. if ur my friend then u know who i am. if u dont know who i am then ur not a friend n i dont really care bout u. i'm a very strong christain with taoist ideas. i have a dark side that i'm not proud of but do have that's very strong. bc of this side i send my life tryin to help people with their fate. that's what God has chosen for me for right now atleast. other then that i'm a nice guy when u get to know me. can be fun. kinda insane. lol. but yea i'm bored of writing shit that will never be read. so peace out.
I adopted a dragon fetus
from Fetusmart!
You represent Death. The end of your life. But the begining of your death. Here you leave all that you know and emotions behind. You have finished all your lesson and now going to start another where you will be most at peace.
You shelter a Demon of Darkness.
He is one of a kind. Not very destructive for others but for yourself, he is nonetheless the worst. He is the demon who forces you to close you heart and you mind, to be hostile and introverted. And like the friendly demon, he is nearly always awake. You must find a way to put him to sleep, maybe with
the help of another demon, like the wind demon or the water demon.
Darkness is your element. It may not be a true
element, but it definately expresses you. You
are cold, dark, and lonely. Your eyes show
nothing but anger, depression, and loss.
Quote: "One unhappy day for you, the world
will be mine."
Create your own Friend Test here
What Kind of Angel are you?
GUARD ANGEL you love to help, you can't bare someone suffering, you give hope and calm to the world
What type of killer are you?
You are the protective killer. You kill to protect your love ones, and usually you don't enjoy ending people's lives. You're very trustworthy, and people honor your courage and strength. Your greatest weakness is losing someone you care for, and when thay are in danger, you're not afraid to kill someone to save them.