This man has changed my life in the world of books.I get my news from all sources but I'd love to get it and more from this hottie.Adam is the epitome of guy for me. Funny, smart, good looking, funny, and funny. What a mack.*Sigh* This guy is so talented.Oh Amy, I wish I could grow up to be just like you...especially the knowing how to cook part.
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I love Wes Anderson movies. He captures entire emotions for me.Quentin Tarantino is so badass I can let go of his constant showoffyness of his own badassery cause I would brag too if I where as cool as him.OoOoOh, Sir Anthony Hopkins...You are such a mack. And this movie did it for me.If you could pretend your mind is a computer, fight club would be my constant screen saver. and soundtrack, and wallpaper,etc..This movie is so odd you can't help but love it forever.It captured an entire mood for me. Depression has a flavor and a soundtrack in zach braff.What?! You've never seen Quills?! Get your ass off the computer and go get it...geezTwo brothers + accents = hotThis is the only chick flick that can make me cry...and its an adam sandler much more do you need? check it out