Rayray profile picture


E Pluribus Unum

About Me

I was a father once to a beautiful boy named Preston who I raised to be 4 yrs/ 4 mos old. RIP Preston. I am not perfect.If I realize I am wrong, I admit it.If I realize I offended you, I will apologize.I dream big.I do without before I settle.I live a good life, but I want more.I have big goals and a plan.I am honest.I get bored easily.I have enough confidence in myself to make up for your doubts.I can't buy what I want because it's free.I once had a manager at Radio Shack call another manager at another location trying in vein to find me a flux capacitor, they just dont carry them, who knew!I enjoy small random acts of kindness more than big expensive gifts.I am not an heir to a fourtune, but my son will be.I am optimistic.I love being a father.I can cook.I have never hated anyone.I sometimes laugh at the stupidest things.I have a dry sense of humor.I don't get jealous."Bye" sounds too final, so I say "see ya" instead.I am an attention whore.My only competition is myself.I don't seem like the tattoo type, but I am.If you bring drama to my life, I will quickly eliminate you from it.I have a ton of friends, yep they both weigh 1000lbs.I cant find my keys, get used to it.I take care of my family.I am part of your answers as well as your questions.Everything I do, I consider how it will effect my son.I make mistakes, I learn from them.What you think about me is none of my business.I'm fixing up my car, new cinder blocks to set it on will set it off!If you hurt me, I forget quickly.If I thought I hurt you, I will not sleep well that night.I fear incapability.I have a higher standard for the definition of the word "friend".I love to see my friends succeed.I believe the scum of the earth consists of liars, and thieves.I want a hotrod.I wash behind my ears.Friends are more valuable to me than any possession.I have a lot of energy, but I am laid back. (to know me is to understand)I will not be your designated driver.I don’t do drugs.I have been homeless but I am far from that now.You will not hear me say, "I cant".Attempts at intimidating me only drives me harder.I will try to make you laugh, even at my own expense.I do so like green eggs and ham, but I still don't like that Sam I am!I don’t care what other people think about me, I still like me even if you don’t.I think about the long term effects.I will not let you run over me.I believe I have adult A.D.D.I want to fly a helicopter from my house in the country, to my office in the city.I don’t need a reason to give you a kiss.I think I'm a little skeptical, but I'm going to need proof of that.I don’t follow the masses, I do my own thing.I collect bar glasses.I am simple, but complicated (see!?).I will probably spend millions on a failed experiment one day and say, "oh well, that was fun".Where most people see a problem, I see many opportunities.To be or not to be, that is no question of mine.I sometimes have a hard time showing how much I appreciate you.I have no regrets.Get MySpace Layouts from nUCLEArcENTURy .COM OR create your own using MySpace profile editor !!!

My Interests

How to make my home more homey, haha, learning, creating, music, playing pool, bowling, volleyball, cars, planning for the future, spending time with my son, seeing new

I'd like to meet:

A woman. But not one to complete me, I am already complete. I want a complete woman to share with me, our completeness.


Korn, Sublime, Rage against the machine, Beastie boys, Jimmy Hendrix, Bob Marley, Credence Clearwater Revival, Led Zepplin, Lots of rock, more country than rap...


Pulp fiction, Fear and loathing in las vegas, Austin Powers, Friday, Fight club, Oh brother where art thou? Scarface, Harlem Nights, The Jerk.


I never watch, but my favorites are: Simpsons, Crank yankers, Mad T.V., Family guy, Chappel Show... Oh and Scooby Doo! Its so compelling, who would have thought that the monster was some guy in a costume?! width="425" height="350" ..


Rich dad Poor dad, Biographies on interesting people, reference books mainly on money, business, and investing. Bible.


My mom for keeping a smile on her face no matter how tough times got. Anyone who has fought to make or keep this country great. Anyone who has proved someone wrong by doing what they said cannot be done.

My Blog

Rest in Peace my beautiful baby boy

I woke up yesterday morning to the sound of the garbage truck passing by my house. Damn, forgot to put out the trash. Seems like I have been doing that a lot lately, forgetting everything. At least I ...
Posted by Rayray on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 09:42:00 PST

trip to the corn maze

Me and some peeps went up to the North Ga corn maze which was pretty fun indeed. That is if you can solve the maze of getting there, dont even ask google maps, that will get you more lost. But I asked...
Posted by Rayray on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 05:44:00 PST

Who can we blame?

Lets see if I understand how the world works lately...If a man cuts his finger off while slicing salami at work, he blames the resaurant.If you smoke three packs of cigarettes per day for fourty years...
Posted by Rayray on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 05:47:00 PST

Great Poem

I read this poem and thought I should share it. This is how I view Life myself. Hope you all like it too!I bargained with Life for a penny, and life would pay no more.However I begged at evening, ...
Posted by Rayray on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 03:39:00 PST

Line up right here, stars.

*Warning!* This is a shameless self-promoting blog.I have studied it, calculated it, investigated it, researched it and down right bugged the hell out of so many people about it that I am sure they wi...
Posted by Rayray on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 06:04:00 PST

I've been to Hell and back!

So I went on a cruise ship with my homegirl Traci and the first night after departure, security was beating on our door! What was it we were doing you ask? We was in flight to Grand Cayman (we couldnt...
Posted by Rayray on Thu, 20 Jul 2006 08:06:00 PST

Be a winner.

Everyone has their critics, their own people who do not believe in them, the relentless nay-sayers. If we believe in ourself, why do we listen to those who do not? That is the exact point that turns a...
Posted by Rayray on Sun, 16 Apr 2006 06:32:00 PST

Think about it.

People have told me that I think too much. "Think too much?", I thought. "Why would they say that?" So I thought about it for awhile trying to understand exactly what they meant.Was it because I do no...
Posted by Rayray on Wed, 25 Jan 2006 05:06:00 PST

African American?

If we are not to judge people by the color of their skin, then why is the term African American being pushed? As if all black people are from African decent, we are to judge them by their skin color a...
Posted by Rayray on Thu, 08 Dec 2005 05:17:00 PST

A sad poem

Here is a poem I wrote to someone who did not appreciate it, almost a year ago. I read it now, and think how dumb I was. I think it would make a good song, so if you make alot of money off this, remem...
Posted by Rayray on Wed, 26 Oct 2005 07:07:00 PST