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About Me

iF LiFe HaNDS You LeMoNS, GRaB TeQuiLa aND SaLT aND CaLL Me!!! i LoVe.... My FaMiLy, My BeauTiFuL DauGHTeRS, My uNBeLieVaBLe HuSBaND, aWeSoMe SiSTeRS, GReaT FRieNDS... THe SMeLL oF RaiN, TRaVeLiN' aLL oVeR THe WoRLD, LiViNG, TaKiNG PiCTuReS, MuSiC, MaKiNG MeMoRieS, DReaMiNG... LoViNG, LeaRNiNG, No ReGReTS, LauGHTeR, MeXiCaN FooD, SleePiNG iN, HuGS, CuDDeLiNG, THe SouND oF THe oCeaN, FeeLiNG THe SaND iN YouR ToeS... SPRiNG TiMe, HoT BaTHes, TeQuiLa, MoVieS, CaMPiNG, TiVO, GooD NiGHT KiSSeS, DiVe BaRS, BeiNG SiLLy... GReaT CoNVeRSaTioN, CoLD WiNTeRS WRaPPed iN a WaRM BLaNKeT, CReaTiViTy, aLWayS BeiNG RiGHT, BoaRD GaMeS, PoKeR, aNGeLS, HaPPiNeSS, BLeSSiNGS... MoST of aLL, i LoVe... SHaRiNG aMaZiNG MoMeNTS WiTH GooD FRieNDS and LoVeD oNeS!

My Interests

I love spending time with my family. My husband and kids are amazing! I love sports! Everyone has their teams mine you ask, well..Football: Buffalo Bills! Basketball: Utah Jazz and Baseball: Boston Red Sox! I love to travel and I have places I want to go all over the world, I wanna go somewhere and be Somebody. I want to make a difference in my life and the lives of those around me!

I'd like to meet:

The Pope. Good friends of the future and re-meet ones of the past!


I love Music Hip Hop, Rap, Oldies, R&B a little bit of everything, my husband even gots me liking rock/alternative, I love local Hip Hop Hittin up 8-0-1. Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, E-40, Def Leppard, Slim Shady, Nickelback, Sugar Hill Gang, SOS Band, Gap Band, Mack-10, Chino 4 Real, Linkin Park, Luda, Usher, NIN, Michael Jackson, Carrie Underwood, Al Green, Gym Class Heroes, I love all the Lowrider Oldies- Silly-Always and Forever-, Chicago, Keith Sweat, Marvin Gaye, Brenton Wood, Hi-Five, Subway, Boyz II Men, New Edition, Pati LaBelle, Latino Velvet, Brotha Lynch Hung, Cool N The Gang, Frankie J, Jon B., Al B Sure, Spanish Fly, The Supreme, ABC, BVD, DRS gotta love Gangsta Lean, Diana Ross, The Temptations, Zapp and Roger, Tupac, Reba, Tim Magraw, Notorious B.I.G., Shania Twain Any Man of Mine, Get Back, Rascal Flats, The Eagles, Dr. Hook, Bad Company, Creedence Clear Water, Too Short, DJ Quick, M.C Blvd, Tina Turner Proud Mary, Rick James- give it to me baby, Timex Social Club, 50 Cent... I love Music All Kinds and there is just to many to name, so the list goes on.


All Movies!!! Comedy, Drama, Adventure, There are to many good ones to name just a few... but, Remember the Titians, was awesome...The GodFather,yeah thats a good classic. I love football movies, and good tear jerkers.


I TIVO everything so when I can I watch, Entourage, 48 Hours, Biggest Loser, Prison Break, and so on.


Angels and Demons By Dan Brown (This is an awesome book).


God, Mother Teresa, MLK Jr., All those in the Military that help preserve the lifestyle that we enjoy! Any person who inspires a better future for us all without prejudice. My Dad (In different ways then usual) I love you dad may you Rest in Paradise save a spot for me at the poker table, until we meet again, I will be missing you!