Desyn Masielo, Davey Seaman, Danny Howells, Trentemoller The rest of these r just super dupa things that I've already met - Diet Coke, Matthew Lee Guthrie, His Head, and his superb 6am text messages, Liam 'At least give wuh the tracklistings' Vance, Davey Miller, Young Smythe the Zoo Keeper, MARGRY? MAAAARGRY! Chrissy Bookless and his ability to stay awake with me, Ascott the snot. Jade -Whaling2k, Mitchy baby lives in the right street, Katie, Coley and Cooper for their instigating and gorgeousness, James L'friggin tynsk'y and his little smiler white stuff, Jessy Lewis, Chaddy Baby and his 'DRY AS A NUNS CUNT' sense of 'Humour', The Ket Kru - COMING THREW!!!! Tyne-met Crew - COMING THREW!!!! ;), lovely Rhea, DJ Chrissy Blackhall, Rippon Dean, Dan & Amar, Pete&Jamie, TyraQ, Braken&Clarki, The executive Car Salesman, Danny & his games, Chimp 'Badeal' White, Rossi & Nass, Geordie Theiving Manc, Linzi & her bunker kru - Everyone else u need 2 print sumthin on my brain. The video below is from Ralph Lawson and the effect he had on excitable children----- The video/Nass' dream above was just 'one of those moments' Look at them go!